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Rate Cases: What's Included

An overview of what is covered with the specialized Rate Case feature

Updated over a week ago

Have questions about rate case coverage in Insight Engine™? You’re in the right place!

Below is a summary of the information that we cover as well as what we do not cover as part of the rate case feature.

If you have a subscription that includes access to the rate case feature, you will be able to click on the rate case tab (located within the dockets section). This feature is included with Essential + Rate Case and Pro plans.

As always, if you don’t see the answer to your question here, please reach out to us at or by using the chat feature in the lower right of this screen.

What we cover:

We track general rate cases for all electric utilities that are regulated by their respective state public utility commissions.

"Tracking" a rate case means we mark it as a rate case in our system so that it appears in the rate case tab.

Each state commission regulates investor-owned utilities, but some also regulate cooperatives and/or municipal utilities.

Tip: To see the types of utilities regulated in each state, go to the State Profiles section, choose a state, choose the “Regulatory Commission” tab, and scroll to the bottom of the page.

For each docket that we mark as a rate case, we also provide a standard set of data in a consistent format.

The data includes the common elements of general rate cases for both the utility’s request from the commission as well as what the commission approves.

  • Change in revenue requirement (increase or decrease), presented as both a dollar amount and as a percentage

  • Overall rate of return (the return on rate base – sometimes referred to as weighted average cost of capital)

  • Return on equity (the return the utility’s investors require to compensate for investment risk / market expectations)

  • Date that new rates will become effective

  • For multi-year rate cases, which year the data is for (e.g., rate year 1 of 3)

  • If the utility has sub-entities that have separate requests in the same docket, the name of the sub-entity

If any of the above data is not specified in the rate case documents, we do not calculate it or make any assumptions. It will be reported as “n/a.”

What we do not cover:

As discussed above, Insight Engine™ provides a standard set of data for each general rate case. There are other types of filings that may have direct or indirect effects on the rates that utility customers pay; however we do not currently cover each and every possibility.

Here is what’s NOT included in the data provided in the Insight Engine™ rate case feature:

  • Natural gas, water, or other types of rate cases that do not pertain to electric utilities. If electricity and natural gas are combined in one rate case, we will attempt to report only on the electric components of that case

  • Tariffs, riders, cost trackers, and similar items that are not included in the rate base, whether discussed in the general rate case docket or covered in a separate proceeding

  • Revenue allocation and rate design, whether discussed in the general rate case docket or covered in a separate proceeding

  • Interim adjustments to rates that occur between general rate cases, such as fuel cost adjustments, yearly adjustments in Formula Rate Plans, retail rate adjustments, Performance-Based Rate Plan interim adjustments

  • Proceedings that primarily focus on depreciation rates or changes in revenue requirements due to changes in tax rates

  • Other types of recurring proceedings such as Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) cases

Tip: Items not covered as part of the rate case feature are still contained in Insight Engine™ as long as they are part of docketed proceedings. You can search for them using the general tools within the platform, such as keyword searches and filters.

What is coming:

We are always looking for feedback to help prioritize what we should add to the rate case feature next, so please let us know what you would like to see included!

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